How to Ensure You’re  Spending  Money  Wisely

These 5 ways will help you to make sure your spending wisely

Is This Purchase Going to Make You Happy?

Instead of looking around and seeing what other people are doing, take a step back and figure out what makes us, as individuals, happy

Don’t Compare What You Have With Anyone Else

You can be inspired by what others are doing and what others have and want those things for yourself

Experiences Over Material Things

Where is the bulk of your spending going? Are you more focused on material goods or on purchasing experiences?

With Material Goods, Choose Quality Over Quantity

the focus on material goods should be on quality, not quantity.

Don’t Overpay For Life’s Essentials

If you have conversations with people about their regular spending, you’ll be amazed at what people don’t know or haven’t thought about where their money goes.

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Money and my idea